Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Christophe is a 40 something frenchman that I spent an hour with yesterday morning.  He is my new personal trainer and the owner of the gym in town.   The fact that I went to the gym is laughable enough, but to say that I actually have a personal trainer, well, that is just ridiculous.  I am not really one that likes to sweat, nor do I like feeling tired or out of breath.  I also don't like pain or anything that makes me uncomfortable.  So what the hell am I thinking?  Why would I do this to myself, you ask???  Well, you should see my post baby tummy.  I will spare you the graphic details and save you the mental image, but let's just say it is a bit round and a bit soft.  And really, it just doesn't serve a purpose, so it has got to go.  My soft, round tummy is now in a tremndous amount of pain.  So are my arms, my shoulders, my back, my legs, and my butt.  Dom says that means it is working...I am not sure.  All I know for sure at this point is that I can't lift my arms up high enough to brush my hair, and it hurts to laugh.  I don't have a picture of anything at all gym-like to post, so here is one of  Aria instead; just 'cause she is cute.

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