Thursday, September 9, 2010

Aria ~ a.k.a. "Trouble"

Whenever Aria is being particularly difficult or bratty, the running joke is that "she gets that from Mommy".  While, admittedly, I can be challenging at times, I think that is where the similarities stop.  Aria is fearless! I on the other hand, am far from fearless.  I have fear.  Lots of fears actually.  So many fears in fact that Dom is often woken up at night, so that I can discuss my fears, because without doing so, I can't fall asleep.  Dom seems to have very few fears.  He likes things like bungee jumping and sky diving. He likes driving far too fast in bad weather, and thinks that getting the car sliding sideways in the rain is "safe" and "fun".  He loves roller coaster and scary movies and the rush of adrenaline that comes with both.  It is in this was that Aria most takes after her Daddy.  She has no all.  Now, I know that she has no reason to fear all of the things I do, but at this stage, she has had a few tumbles and bumps and she does understand the concept of pain.  She knows that if she falls on the floor, it will hurt.  She doesn't want to fall.  But her lack of wanting to hurt herself isn't as strong as her desire to explore everywhere and everything, and she can't help but to find trouble...or maybe I should say make trouble.  Her newest naughty obsession is the dog food and water.  She loves to throw them both all around and get the tiles nice and slippery.  Then she laughs and laughs as she tries to balance on one hand and one knee on the wet tile.  The sheer joy on her face is enough to keep me from stopping her.  It isn't everyday that you get to see a person, mini or otherwise, get so much joy out of something so simple.  And even though I am certain she does not get this from me, I can't help but feel a sense of pride as I watch her squeal with excitement.  I do, however, generally stop her from eating it.

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