Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Giving Thanks

There was a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.  I have a wonderful family, great friends, and beautiful home, and blah blah blah.  Of course I am thankful for all of that! Who isn't?  There are so many other things for us to really be thankful for; the things that we take for granted, and though they might be small, make our life better.  Here are some of mine:

Now, I don't get to drink much anymore (breastfeeding and all) but when I do get a glass it is great and I savour it.  Of course by "savour" I mean I chug a glass back in the 2 minutes Aria lets me have my hands and arms back.  The bonus to this "special occasion and chug" method of drinking is that you get drunk. FAST.  And that gives you another thing to be thankful for.

~the gossip blogs~
No matter how horrific your Thanksgiving day is going, reading some Hollywood gos is sure to make you feel better.  It puts everything in perspective.  Sure, the screaming baby, barking dog, and MIL watching you like a hawk, all while trying to put a turkey in the oven, seems stressful.  But at least you don't have a cheating husband, drug/alcohol addiction, or looming bankruptcy clouding up your perfectly sunny Thanksgiving Day.  (I recommend dListed.com)

For when the wine and stress start to give you heartburn.  And, they have calcium in them!  So you can stop stressing about osteoporosis.

Aria's is between 7 and 8, so that means I get to sleep then too!  And going to bed at 8:00 is something I am thankful for every night.  I generally don't sleep then, but I get to lay beside my gorgeous baby girl and my handsome husband, with our bratty dog taking up far more than her designated 1/4 of the bed, and I just get to be...laying there think about how thankful and grateful I truly am to have them.  And that is something I am not just thankful for on Thanksgiving.

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