Friday, October 22, 2010

Making Friends

They say as you get older it gets harder to make friends.  Until recently, I hadn't given this "they say" much thought.  But now, I find myself in the unfamiliar situation of being "older" and really not having many friends.  Not like I was Miss Popular, or anything, but I have always had friends, and have never had a problem making them.  Is it the "older" that makes this situation different?  Maybe the small town?  Or maybe it is something different all together. 

One thing I know for sure about being "older" is that all your friends are no longer just a few minutes away.  I have a lot of friends actually,  I just can't see them.  No, they aren't invisible or imaginary... they are just spread all over; Canada and the States, Japan, Australia, various places in Europe.  My good friends now are all long distance.  Luckily, long distance calling plans are so easy to come by, so for just $24.99 a month I can talk to all of them, as much as I like.  On side note, Dom can also talk to his Mom everyday. 

My number of friends has also changed with age.  I do have less friends now than when I was 20.  But this isn't a bad thing.  This decrease has simply been a "weeding out" process.  We have all gone through it.  You know, you get rid of the crazy ones, the ones that steal from you, the ones that don't, deep down inside, wish you the best.  When people talk about having fewer friends as they age, it always comes across as a bad thing.  Like how somehow as you get older, you get deficient in some way.  That isn't it at all; you simply get smarter and pickier.

So maybe that is the same with making friends.  Maybe it isn't harder at all, maybe I am just smarter now.   Maybe instead of just befriending anyone, I am waiting a bit.  I am waiting to make sure they are normal first; waiting to make sure that they will wish me well; and waiting to make sure they don't want to steal from me!  I bet all of the mommies I have met here are doing the same thing.  So until we decide we want to be BFFs I will just keep talking to the friends I already have... on  the phone.  And I will keep meeting people and just wait it out.  I am bound to meet some new, close by, friends eventually.

I am sure it wouldn't help my cause much to ask some of the other mommies to pose in pics with me for my blog, so here  is a picture of Aria with one of her "friends".

1 comment:

  1. Yes! Yes, yes, yes. It's super hard to make new friends as we age. Life events happen at different times, life takes work, family takes work... friends are hard to maintain, and friendships are hard to forge... because we increasingly grow different and at different rates... totally resemble this post.
